
Dovid Yona Shluchim Fund


    Helping Our Rabbis and Community with Interest Free, Short Term Loans
  • The Mitzvah That Keeps On Giving! Every time a loan is given, your Mitzvah multiplies!

    Short a few dollars to get by the months expenses, in need of some upfront funds to secure the community holiday celebration, the Dovid Yona Shluchim Fund is here for our Arizona Chabad Rabbis. Interest free loans for when the going gets a little rough. 

    Dovid Yonah Hacohen Dubinsky, obm, was always there with a smile and a friendly word to friends, family and everyone he bumped paths with. The fund named to continue his kind legacy, is there for our dedicated emissary families when they need a shoulder for support. Additional loans are given to community members based on available funds.

    Please partner with Chabad of Arizona in ensuring that funds are available when we are called upon for help. Please donate below to increase the fund so we can be there more often when leaned on. 

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