Membership Information

At Chabad we are a diverse group of people from various levels of observance who come together for learning, spiritual growth, social interaction and friendship.

We invite you to join our growing family and become part of this wonderful community.

Important: Chabad of Phoenix does not require anyone to have to pay membership to participate in any services. However, membership dues are what helps keeps our lights on. Becoming a member makes you and your family a partner in helping to bring Judaism to thousands of families in the Phoenix area.

To become a member please call our office at 602-944-2753 or click here.

Membership and tickets are not required for High Holiday services. All are always welcome!


CLICK HERE to Submit Your Membership Info Online

CLICK HERE to Submit Your Ad or Listing in the Yizkor Book


Membership Letter
Chabad AZ Menorah logo.jpg

Dear Friend,

As we wind down from a busy summer, the building is humming with Counsellors and more than one hundred and sixty campers enjoying the last days of a great Summer at Camp Gan Izzy.  Baruch HaShem, it is getting harder and harder to get a quiet moment in the building. There is always a class, lecture, or social program taking place.

When we first moved into this building, we wondered if we would ever use it to its full potential; today we see that it has done that and more. Friendship Circle’s Sunday program has grown. The Shabbos Smile on Seniors Dinner is about to expand into the lobby, and Camp Gan Izzy did not have enough rooms for all their “bunks”. The Young Professionals, The Preschool & Kindergarten, Hebrew School programs, C-Teens and all our other programs and events have grown over the years. There is so much to be thankful for.

Chabad of Arizona, like all Chabad Centers is independent and depends on your on-going support.   One way to help cover some of the operating costs of the Shul is to ask you to join our membership drive, where you can donate an annual membership or choose a convenient monthly payment. 

We hope that you will celebrate the New Year as a member of Chabad of Arizona, joining us as we expand to serve the needs of you and your family, as well as the entire growing Jewish community here in Arizona. Take some time to think about the true importance of becoming a member.

Membership benefits include:

·       High Holiday reserved seating

·       Reduced pricing on rental of Synagogue Facilities for personal events

·       Reduced pricing on community events

·       10% discount on Gift Shop purchases.

·       24/7 access to rabbinic counseling, visitations, meetings

·       And more……

Your membership supports daily (morning and evening) services, Shabbat and Holiday programs, workshops and services, education courses, Library, facility insurance and maintenance. Chabad also provides its facility to Aleph Bet Preschool & Kindergarten, Camp Gan Izzy, Cheder, Friendship Circle, JLI, Smile on Seniors and Young Professionals.

Additional donations are always welcome to further fund these and other programs.

Enclosed is the membership application and the Yizkor book order form. The information is used to compile various mailings, Yarzeits, and Aliya information. There is of course no charge for High Holiday seating, or services throughout the year, but only those who have paid membership, or made arrangements by credit cards or postdated checks will be given assigned seating. Please feel free to contact me regarding Membership. I look forward to talking with you soon


Rabbi Zalman Levertov
Chabad of Arizona                


CLICK HERE to Submit Your Membership Info Online 

CLICK HERE to Submit Your Ad or Listing in the Yizkor Book